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Progressive Travels

The haphazard chronicles of a professional musician and his relentless pursuit of an otherwise boring life.

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Location: St. Jacob, Illinois, United States

If it ain't Baroque, fix it!

01 May 2005

The Old Meeting The New

Saturday, 30 April 2005
I played this weekend with Knucklehead at Baha Rock Club in St. Charles, MO. This has long been one of my favorite places to play for several reasons: nice stage, nice light show, good crowds, familiar faces, good pay, and great management. This weekend was no exception.

I arrived a little later than I would have preferred, around 20:15. Everyone else was already set up.....well, everyone except the singer, who strolled in about 5 minutes after start time (LSD). Shortly into the first set, I started to have some problems with my amp (a recurring theme). I had brought along my SVT-CL head to use as a back-up, as Carlos Bedoya was suppose to be bringing out the latest version of the SVT-6PRO prototype for me to try (the last one had some issues). Well, he didn’t make it out, so this old didn’t get to meet new. I remembered suddenly why I hadn’t been using that amp...there was a connection problem on the input jack. So, I wiggled on it for the better part of the evening trying to get a good signal. I think I finally won the battle somewhere near the end of the third set. Very frustrating.

Old and new did get to meet in the girlfriend arena. Debbie (aka “Cupcake”) came out for the first time in awhile. She’s an ex-girlfriend of mine from the St. Louis Music days, and still a very good friend. Dawna came out later after tending to some family business. She and I have been dating for about a year-and-a-half now, and has heard me speak of Debbie on numerous occasions but never had the opportunity to meet her until this night. Bucking the conventional wisdom about past and present girlfriends getting together, they seemed to get along just fine – even sharing in the destruction of Debbie’s Jagermeister cherry! At the end of the night, Cupcake needed a ride home (she doesn’t drive when she’s drinking). Rather than calling a cab, Dawna offered to give her a ride home(!). Apparently she didn’t dump her in a ditch anywhere, because Cupcake called me Sunday afternoon to sing the praises of my wonderful girlfriend Dawna and say thanks for the ride. She also vowed to never again drink Jagermeister (yah...right...whatever).

After standing in the street for far too long talking with Scrappy and his lovely wife Jane (and their as-yet unborn child), Dawna and I headed back to Illinois. She called me just before we crossed the river citing thirst and a bladder issue. We stopped at Hardees, but the lobby was closed. So we went across the street to Waffle House and ended up having breakfast. A couple of severely drunken teenage girls came in behind us. They were mildly amusing at first, as one had her clothes on inside-out and kept walking into walls, but soon became an irritation with their ill manners. Just as we were finishing our breakfast, in strolled Deron and Katrina fresh from Eddie’s. Shortly behind them came Kelly and Brad from Jagertyme, who had been playing at Eddie’s this weekend. They enjoyed the drunk show, too. Katrina even choked several times from laughing while trying to eat. We soon paid our tabs and left Kelly and Brad on their own. More entertainment than humans should be allowed.

Next weekend is Cinco de Mayo. I’ll be playing Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with BenWahBob at the South County Casa Gallardo, St. Louis Mills Chevy’s, and Rusty’s in Edwardsville respectively. Should provide some nice fodder for next week’s blog, si?


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